I started this blog back in 2013 when I began my school bus conversion, as there weren’t many resources for people beginning their own projects, and I thought it’d be nice to add what I’d learned to the mix. The internet has changed a lot since then, and many folks have made high skill, high production information available, and I didn’t feel the need to continue. I’m not a videographer, or a skilled laborer, and had no influencer aspirations. The last entry I had from the previous site was in 2017.
But I still live in the bus today, nearly ten years after I first moved in full time. I’ve also felt a desire to blog again, and help make the internet a little less shitty in that small way. Past incarnations were a bit less discrete regarding my identity and location, correcting that is a large reason why previous posts aren’t available. My living situation isn’t exactly legal, and while no one is out to get me, I’d rather not give anyone an opportunity to make things miserable.
Working to make tiny houses and other non-traditional housing legal and above-board is something I’ve been steadily working on these last ten years, with middling success. New England isn’t keen on codifying anything terribly new and ‘untested’, so it may be a while yet.
I’ll slowly begin sharing pictures and stories of my life out here, though it’ll largely be contemporary – I don’t expect to share details of the conversion process.
I’m not sure how you found me, but I’m glad you’re here, and hope you keep reading (RSS). thanks!